May 182009

Season finale of How I Met Your Mother just wrapped up. Did not disappoint, would do business again. Spoilers after the jump.

For one thing, they explained the goat, and it was absurdest and hilarious. Also, they handled the Barney Robin ‘ship in a way that feels absolutely right for the characters. They are not Marshall and Lily so why should their…entanglement be the same. The huge meta joke of Alyson Hannigan (amused that her Twitter handle is AlyDenisof) pregnancy. But most importantly they pushed the real arc of the show along. This show is awesome, and I’m so looking forward to finding the mother, but at the same time, I’m not because I’m afraid then the show would be over — although if whoever they cast as the mother has great chemistry with Josh Radnor I say bring me more. Absolutely cannot wait for next season. Kudos!

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