Jun 192011


There are two albums that really are the first that I remember as having a real impact on me. One of them was Dire Straits Brothers in Arms. The other was Born in the USA. I wore my parent’s cassette of that one out the summer of 1985(?). And The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle was one of the first albums (well, cassette really) I ever owned. So it’s fair to say the news that Clarence “Big Man” Clemons died hit me.
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Nov 092009

Weezer and Sarah Barielles doing (If You’re Wondering If I Want You to) I Want You To, the lead single(?) from the new Weezer album, Raditude.

Honestly, I wish this was the cut they used for the album, nice job. I should get busy writing up my impressions of Raditude — short version, it’s really good.