Karen Gillan actually has quite a nice singing voice, and who knew Arthur Darvill’s more than competent on the piano. Matt Smith is…enthusiastic at least.
I’m hitting up The Muppets tomorrow, just getting in the mood.
Seriously, give me my Bakemonogatari blu-ray set already. And no, importing doesn’t count.
There are two albums that really are the first that I remember as having a real impact on me. One of them was Dire Straits Brothers in Arms. The other was Born in the USA. I wore my parent’s cassette of that one out the summer of 1985(?). And The Wild, the Innocent, and the E Street Shuffle was one of the first albums (well, cassette really) I ever owned. So it’s fair to say the news that Clarence “Big Man” Clemons died hit me.
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First I saw this
and was like
And then I saw
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Wait, I thought Stasik was no vocals?
Strange personal coincidence, I just picked up the 10th Anniversary release of 10 Things I Hate About You which features the song quite prominently.
Is there a more perfect expression of rock and roll than Born to Run?
I think not.
Weezer and Sarah Barielles doing (If You’re Wondering If I Want You to) I Want You To, the lead single(?) from the new Weezer album, Raditude.
Honestly, I wish this was the cut they used for the album, nice job. I should get busy writing up my impressions of Raditude — short version, it’s really good.
In honor of some potentially glorious news
But seriously, a new, good, honest to god space sim Wing Commander game would be godly.