Dec 312011

Let’s see if I can squeeze this in under the gun. Best five films I saw this year, and admittedly I missed out on a lot of flicks this year.

5) Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt 2 – The end of an era
4) Thor – By Odin’s beard this was a fun film
3) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol – Who knew Brad Bird was such an accomplished live action director too? The humor and physicality of this film is what sets it apart as an action movie in my mind.
2) Captain America – Or as I like to call it, The Rocketeer Pt. 2. It was the Captain America movie we all were waiting for, and my anticiption for the Avengers is at a fever pitch
1) The Muppets – What a love letter to Jim Henson. Just an absolutely beautiful film.

Dec 312010

2010 was a down year musically for me, especially when compared to 2009. Without records by the likes of Silversun Pickups, the Dave Matthews Band, or Jenny Owen Youngs, the music scene just didn’t grab my attention as much. That being said, there was still some excellent music released in 2010. Continue reading »

Dec 302010

I have a simple rule when it comes to…well any sort of media content; if I don’t think I’ll like it I won’t consume it. Admittedly this means I’ll miss out on stuff I probably would like, but it also keeps me from watching a lot of crap. What does this have to do with my Top Five Anime of 2010? Simply that the pool I drew this list from was nowhere near encyclopedic.
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