May 222009

Today was a potluck day at work, and I had no idea what I was going to bring. My initial plan was to make some sausage and parmesean wonton raviolis. I cooked up some zesty sausage and tossed in a bunch of diced green onions. However, the wonton wrappers just weren’t cutting it so it was neccesary to rethink my approach. In proper Iron Chef style I warmed up some tortillas and went to town putting together some Italian style quesadillas. They should be interesting, would’ve been better if I had some mozzarella for extra cheese melt, but as it stands what I made should be an interesting experiment. Recipe after the jump.

1 package zesty sausage
~8 green onions, chopped
2 cups grated parmesean
6 tortillas, burrito size


1) Brown the sausage
2) Add the green onions to the pan
3) warm the tortillas
4) Spoon the sausage/onion mix onto a tortilla, add cheese. Fold in half
5) Toast quesadilla on lightly greased fry pan, flip once.
6) remove from pan and cut into quarters

Should make twenty-four appetizers, or six full size quesadillas.

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