Mar 302011

I didn’t buy an iPad last year when they were first introduced. I wasn’t sure if I had a use for one, and I do agree with the general rule that you never buy first generation Apple hardware. When the iPad 2 was introduced however, all bets were off. And so now I’m writing this post on my brand new 16gb iPad.

A year of people using the original convinced me that it’s not something I’m going to play with for a little while and then never use again. One of the problems I’ve had with the iPhone is that the three and a half inch display is very fatiguing to look at for long stretches of time. The iPad with it’s nearly ten inch display does not suffer from that problem. Also I’m planning on watching a lot of baseball with the MLB At Bat app. Plus whenever I travel I think I’ll enjoy the iPad’s form factor for reading books and watching video.

Now I’ve only had the iPad for nine hours, but so far it’s behaved exactly like you’d expect an Apple product would. I was up and running within minutes of getting it out of the box. There are a couple of things i still need to do — like pick up one of those fancy magic covers — but all in all I’m highly pleased with the decision to buy the new iPad.

 Posted by at 9:33 pm  Tagged with:
Apr 072009

Thanks to a hot tip from Danny Choo I tried out a monitor spanning app called Teleport. Put simply, Teleport lets you control other Macs remotely. However, instead of doing it like a Remote Desktop, it behaves like a dual display. Which makes it great if you have two Macs next to each other on your desk, but if you’re looking to control a second Mac that’s sitting in another room this won’t do much good. Teleport is very good at what it does, there’s a neat little animation when you move the cursor between computers, but it is not entirely what I am looking for — I need Remote Desktop but am unwilling to shell out three hundred bucks. (UpdateA little Googling turned up this little gem about the VNC server built into OS X which obviates the need for the expensive Remote Desktop.) Regardless, like I said, if you have multiple Macs sitting on your desk, give Teleport a look to reduce keyboard clutter.

 Posted by at 10:38 pm  Tagged with:
Mar 252009

Here’s a great use for the iTunes Music Store iPhone app that I don’t think Apple intended for. The other day I was in Best Buy to pick up the remastered release of Pearl Jam’s Ten. While I was there another CD caught my eye, Amy MacDonald’s “This is the Life.” I’ve never heard of her so I fired up the iTMS app, did a search for the album, and listened to a few samples. Apple’s intention might be for me to buy that album through the iTMS, but I get as much value in just having ready access to a huge library of samples is tremendously valuable to me.

 Posted by at 12:20 pm  Tagged with:
Feb 232009

Now I’m not trying to go all KSK on Peter King’s most recent edition of the Monday Morning Quarterback, but the last sentence bugged me to no end.

f. I got the Blackberry Storm. Phones are never going to be the same again.

Oh really Peter, phones will never be the same again because RIM came out with an iPhone clone?

Dec 302008

I had an unexpected afternoon off today so I decided to go out for lunch. The problem was I didn’t know what I wanted to eat. Inspired by Top Gear I made a challenge out of it. I would let the Urban Spoon app decide where I would eat. After a few false starts — TCBY would not cut it for lunch — it settled on… Continue reading »

Dec 222008

It’s been a running tradition of mine to write down the top five “Things I learned” on my whiteboard at work the last week of the year. Well this year my whiteboard is being used for other things (conversion QQ) so I am forced to use alternative measures. Therefore, without further ado, the top five Things I Learned in 2008:

5) The iPhone really is that great.
4) Super-majorities are over-rated
3) One Cup > 0-16
2) Huge, under-supervised bailouts for mismanaged financial giants = appropriate use of taxpayer funds. Huge under-supervised bailouts for mismanaged manufacturing giants = wasteful spending.

Dec 042008

The Urban Spoon iPhone app that Apple has been so heavily promoting now finally supports Jackson and its surrounding environs. This is excellent because I always trust a computer algorithm more than I do when it comes. To picking where to get dinner.

Too bad their list of restaurants us out of date. So far I’ve found three places that have been closed for years. Still beggers can’t be choosers. Now if only ATT would roll out that 3G service.

 Posted by at 1:44 pm  Tagged with: